Jacksonville, Florida — LionShare Cowork today announced it has been recognized as winner of the 2018 Coworker Members’ Choice Award for Jacksonville, Florida. Members’ Choice award winners were determined based on the thousands of reviews, votes and opinions collected in a single year from coworking space members worldwide.
"In 2015, my home was hit by lightning and my internet provider had a seven day lead time to replace my router", said owner Michael Januzzi. "For a remote worker who's livelihood relies on good quality internet this is a disaster of epic proportions. I tried the typical remote worker places, coffee shops, library and even tried commuting to a cowork space downtown. The delight of working from a quiet home was crushed by slow WiFi, ridiculous traffic, terrible food choices and horrible parking. I knew there had to be other folks in my same predicament. I set off on a quest to learn as much as I could about coworking spaces, and started to research locations. When we opened our doors in January of 2017, we really did not know what to expect. We are pleased to say that the mantra of "if you build it, they will come", is true. We are honored to be adopted by the small business community and remote workers of Jacksonville. We have worked hard to provide the necessary work space our community needs in order to start, build and accelerate their businesses. We are extremely thankful for this recognition from our members and community and that Coworker has bestowed upon us. We look forward to providing even more spaces locally to everyone in the very near future."
“Coworker is excited to announce the winners of the 2018 Members’ Choice Awards and celebrate the coworking spaces around the world that are making an impact in their community”, said Leanne Beesley, CEO of Coworker. “By putting a spotlight on coworking spaces that are providing a great environment and creating a community for their members, Coworker gives coworking spaces both large and small the ability to shine and attract new members.”
About LionShare Cowork
LionShare Cowork is a locally owned shared office space, designed to provide freelancers, consultants, startups, telecommuters and small businesses with a professional solution to all of your work space needs. With over 11,000 sq. ft. of space of offices, conference rooms and desk space, we deliver an elegant and resourceful environment, tailored with memberships that will meet your availability, productivity and financial budget. We are only minutes from the Beach and Southside. Stop in anytime for a tour!
About Coworker
Coworker, the member-powered platform for the global coworking community, enables people to find & connect with their perfect coworking space wherever they are in the world.